Vampire Fonts


Once upon a time in the late 90s and early 2000s, White Wolf used dozens of distinctive fonts in their books. Every now and then, someone who worked for the company would mention the names of some that had been used, but most of the time, we had to hunt to find the right ones on our own and share them with the community. And it could be a real hunt to find what you needed for character sheets, handouts, websites, and other projects.

But it's been a long time since those days. Now, the fonts aren't hard to find with a Google search. Mr. Gone's bundles are up and available, separated by game line. The Storyteller's Vault also offers templates for all of the game lines, and the fonts required are packaged with the them. The template descriptions on the Vault don't tell you which fonts are in them or what they're used for; you have to download them, unpack everything, and review the templates for that.

This page shows you which fonts were used for major titles in the early days of Vampire: the Masquerade. They're listed in alphabetical order. Many were used in V:tM second and third edition. The fonts in green were used in Kindred of the East products, and the fonts in purple were used in Dark Ages products. There are links to websites where you can download them for free. I couldn't find Runchuu anywhere, so I link to the KotE template that has it on the Storyteller's Vault. Some fonts were re-used in different game lines, and this is just a small sample of the variety that have been employed over the decades across the World of Darkness. Still, they're viewable, free, and downloadable.

I did not create any of the fonts below. I received permission many years ago from the late, great LdyMox to offer her WoD dingbat fonts, and I will continue to offer them here in her memory. RIP LdyMox; you are missed.



Resources are free for personal use only; please link to this site instead of reposting material elsewhere. Thank you, and happy gaming!


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