Controversies about Roleplaying: Further Reading



Lego Dungeons and Dragons - Language known? by Arm Storage

"Lego Dungeons and Dragons - Language known?" by Arm Storage is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Major controversies about roleplaying games have died down but they aren't over. Plenty of misinformation still circulates and some folks persistently teach that roleplaying games are linked to harm. Many arguments have been made on both sides, so I'm offering these links as a sample of what's out there.

dice divider bar by Ramona

The Opposition

The Supporters

Can Christians Play D&D? Author Says No!

A Letter to Parents

Dark Dungeons by Jack Chick

Christian Gamers Guild

Dungeons and Dragons and FRPGs

Christians Playing Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons - Concerns for the Christian

Michael A. Stackpole: The Pulling Report

Dungeons and Dragons: Don't Let it Happen to Your Kid

MST3K: Dark Dungeons

Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons: Like Two Peas in a Pod?

None Dare Call It Reason

Should a Christian Play Dungeons and Dragons?

Role-Playing Games and the Christian Right: Community Formation in Response to a Moral Panic

Straight Talk on Dungeons and Dragons

The Attacks on Role-Playing Games

The Watchman Expositor: Games - Fantasy or Reality?

The Disappearance of James Dallas Egbert III

The Escapist Gaming Advocacy Web Site


dice divider bar by Ramona


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